Sunday, January 25, 2009

decisions, decisions...

i am trying to decide whether to use capital letters or not. I am not sure if i will be able to do it since i hate errors in writing, (not that i don't make a million). it speeds up the typing process for me and i hate to type. so whatever, this has to be an incredibly boring read so far.
as usual, i am wasting my weekend. sitting in my pajamas at 11 am. i have to write a tiep and go grocery shopping. no football today, the superbowl is next weekend. then nothing. i hate baseball, would rather watch the grass on the field grow. basketball is too high scoring for me to consider it challenging, and besides, who can listen to sneakers squeaking on wood floors for hours? funny that i like to watch golf. i think the scenery is probably the reason. i love peaceful scenery. and the broadcasters whisper. which is soooo unlike my week. miss b, miss b, MISS B...!!!!
i am going for an echo something on tuesday. they lube up your chest and look at your heart on a sonogram. i gotta get a sub for that day and it worries me. i don't want to lose my job. lots of HUGE cuts are coming and i am only in my second year of teaching. even if i get the job at the new school (which i will have to take even tho i want to stay where i am) more BIG cuts are scheduled before the new school year starts. maybe lexi can support me with her new full time job. it would cut into her ybor swing dance clubbing tho.
oh well....
lower case is working out well.


Mighty Bear Speaks said...

I'll go with you for your echo or at least I know what gonna happen to u....which hospital or where will be you?????:)m

irrationalities of the andie bean said...

too late! I am due there in an hour. it's ok, i have had one done before, just some gunk on you and a songram, then back to school for a tiep meeting. thanks for the support, i will imagine you there with me. xo, b